Saturday, October 13, 2012

SWS surveys: Filipinos satisfied with PNoy’s performance

Data from Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed that Filipinos were generally satisfied with President Benigno Aquino III’s performance from the onset of his incumbency in 2010 to the third quarter of this year, with ratings falling mostly under the “very good” (+50 to +69) and “good” (+30 to +49) marks.

Ratings never lower than ‘good’

In the second quarter of 2010, a survey on public trust to the then newly elected President found a very good net trust rating of +83, with 88% of adult Filipinos having much trust and 4% having little trust on the President.

The net trust rating is the difference of the percentage of those had much trust with those who had little trust.

His first net satisfaction rating, for the third quarter of 2010, was a very good rating +60, with 71% satisfied and 11% dissatisfied adult Filipinos, which increased to a still very good rating +64 (74% satisfied and 10% dissatisfied) in the fourth quarter of the same year.

The net satisfaction rating is obtained by subtracting the percentage of the dissatisfied from the satisfied respondents.

The first decrease on his net satisfaction rating was in the first quarter of 2011, when survey results found 69% adult Filipinos satisfied and 18% dissatisfied with the President’s performance, leading to a net rating of +51 still a very good.

The said survey, conducted from March 4-7 2011, showed that 48% of the Filipino respondents thought that the President’s purchase of brand new Porsche was “not a good example.”

Aquino’s net satisfaction ratings sustained another decrease in the second quarter of 2011, his first good net rating - +46, with 64% of Filipinos satisfied and 18% dissatisfied.

Ratings increased during the third and fourth quarters of 2011, with very good net satisfaction ratings of +56 (70% satisfied and 14% dissatisfied), and +58 (71% satisfied and 13% dissatisfied).

In the first quarter of 2012, however, Aquino’s net satisfaction rating fell to +49, under the good mark, with 68% satisfied and 19% dissatisfied with his work. Likewise, in the second quarter of 2012, ratings decreased by seven points, resulting to a +42 good satisfaction rating, with 63% satisfied and 21% dissatisfied respondents.

The latest survey, conducted from August 24 to 27, revealed 77% satisfied and 10% dissatisfied with PNoy’s performance, leading to a record-high net satisfaction rating of +67, under the very good mark.
In the years of his incumbency, net satisfaction ratings of the President according to SWS surveys fall under +42 to last quarter’s +67, never lower than good.

Surveys are conducted quarterly, for three days, by face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults in Metro Manila, the Balance of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. According to the SWS website, surveys are non-commissioned, are conducted as a form of public service, and first publishing rights are assigned to Business World.

Highest ratings in Visayas, lowest in Metro Manila
                The survey on public trust conducted on June 2010 found Visayas with the highest net trust rating of +87, falling under the mark of excellent. Trust ratings in Balance Luzon, Metro Manila and Mindanao also fall under excellent, with ratings of +84, +84, and +79 respectively.

                In the quarters that followed, satisfaction ratings in the said areas mostly fell under the very good and good mark, except for a moderate rating of +18 in Metro Manila during the second quarter of this year, with 48% satisfied and 30% dissatisfied respondents.

                During the third quarter of 2010, all areas had a very good net satisfaction rating (+64 in Luzon, +54 in Visayas, +52 in Mindanao, and +66 in Metro Manila), and it remained very good the quarter that followed, noting increases in all areas except for a seven point decrease in Metro Manila.

                The over-all decrease in the net satisfaction ratings of Aquino during the first quarter of 2011 could be attributed to ratings from Luzon, Mindanao and Metro Manila. From a +69 rating in the previous quarter, it dropped to +48 in Luzon, falling under the good mark. Only Visayas sustained a four-point increase, from +56 to +60, while Mindanao and Metro Manila ratings decreased, from +65 to +55 and from +59 to +41, respectively, although both still termed very good.

                During the second quarter of 2011, ratings in Luzon and Visayas decreased, while ratings in Mindanao and Metro Manila obtained a minimal increase. Metro Manila (with a +43 net satisfaction rating), and Luzon (+41) fell under the good mark, while Visayas (+51) and Mindanao (+54) stayed on the very good mark, although the former sustained a nine point drop from the previous quarter.

                Data found in the survey conducted during the third quarter of 2011 showed not much change, with Luzon and Metro Manila still having good satisfaction ratings (+41 and +43, respectively) and Visayas and Mindanao having very good marks (+52 and +55). In the fourth quarter of 2012, Metro Manila had a +54 net satisfaction rating, falling under the very good mark, similar to the other areas.

                In March 2012, Aquino’s net satisfaction ratings in Metro Manila (+52), Visayas (+50) and Mindanao (+53) remained very good, although they dropped considerably compared to the previous quarter. In Luzon, ratings dropped by 15 points, which resulted in a good rating of +45.

                Ratings continued to drop in the second quarter of this year. Only ratings in Mindanao, which increased by 8 points to +61 remained in the very good mark. Metro Manila experienced a 34-point drop to +18, landing on the moderate mark.

                Significant increases in net satisfaction ratings in the areas contributed to a high-time record of +67 overall net satisfaction rating for August. Visayas, Ratings in the Visayas rose to an excellent +76, while Balance Luzon had a 29-point increase, which led to a +70 excellent rating of Aquino’s performance. Very good ratings of +59 (a 41-point increase) and +61 were found in Metro Manila and Mindanao, respectively.


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